Monday, 23 April 2012

Okay, breathe...

Okay, bear with me, I don't really know what I'm doing yet.

I talk a lot. And I used to write a lot as well. Now that my university career is over, I find less and less reason to sit at a computer and dig words out of my skull. That may sound painful, but I really, REALLY miss it. I know university term papers are often not the most exciting things to read, but I enjoyed writing them. I enjoyed thinking about the order in which to put my words and how to organize my thoughts. And while I tried not to allow those papers to become completely dull (I am an Arts student, after all), they weren't exactly personal creative ventures. After reading the blogs of a few friends, I considered that this might be a path I want to take, if I don't want to lose my writing skills completely.

Actually, I'm looking forward to writing in a medium that is not so focused on grammatical accuracy. I don't think my grammar is deplorable or anything, but when it comes to style, I might play a little fast and loose with the rules. Especially when I'm ranting. Because who can keep track of things like commas and periods when they're hopped up on righteous indignation? Am I right?

I have no idea what direction this blog will take, if it takes one at all, but it feels good just to have my fingers back on the keyboard. I sit taller when I give a damn about something.

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